
Development Updates

S.A.R.T Development Blog following the iterations and breakthroughs the team makes to all things hardware and software.


Drop Test!

The S.A.R.T. performed a drop test! We were pretty sure our robot would survive, but we’d never done a proper test before. We figured, now that we have our robot together again, why not give it a shot? Watch the video… in glorious 4K Overall, it was a success. The robot survived. The board and...
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Semi-Autonomous At Last!

Here at S.A.R.T., we are immeasurably proud to anounce our robot is, at long last, semi-autonomous. You can watch the robot in action and in glorious 4K below:   Obviously this is extremely basic (literally all the logic in about five lines of code), but it’s the most autonomous our robot’s ever been (except the...
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Servo Servicing II

As I talked about in a previous post, half of our servos weren’t working. Of course, I was going to try to fix them before we spend anymore money on new ones, so that’s what I did today. Some of them were broken for certain, they either didn’t show up at all when connected or...
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Custom USB Board

One of our other major issues in Canada were the USB ports. Due to the small size of our robot, we needed to have right angle USB port extensions. These would plug into the robot and allow us to plug in the USB2AX device and cameras. The USB thing we had used. So we needed...
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Servo Servicing

A lot of things went wrong in Canada, sure.But perhaps the worse of our issues were the servos. The other day, we were planning on running a short demo during the regional RoboCup competition. We all got to school on Saturday and began putting it back together again. However, we didn’t have four functioning Dynamixel...
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Serious Simultaneous Sensor Struggles

A mere week before our trip to Canada we had a major malfunction of our robot’s components. Our previously wired sensors had an issue where the wires connected to the contacts on the sensor would break, rendering the sensor useless or dangerous if the wires happened to touch. To overcome this problem, we decided to...
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Our Robot Can Do A Full Pipe

The time is drawing near that the crew heads off to Canada! Since my last update on the wheels, we’ve made some slight changes to the original design and added an entirely new wheel design. For the original design the inner diameter was changed so that the space between the spikes and the hub is...
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Jammin’ With Wheels

It has the consistency of jam and smells like jam and tastes like jam but is not jam, then what is it? You guessed it, polyurethane resin. As a side note: if it gets to the point where you need me to tell you that polyurethane is bad for you, then I think it’ll come...
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Full Steam Ahead

It’s been a while since our last progress update, we’ve been rather busy with assessment at school. The worst of the assessment period is over now though, so we can focus on S.A.R.T! Now that our robot is almost built (more on that soon!), the team has been able to start focusing on the software...
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Perplexing PCB Preparation

We need to plug in a rather large number of sensors to the UDOO x86 Ultra’s built-in Arduino. During the testing and programming phase, a breadboard worked just fine, but as we move things into the new robot chassis, which is rather tight for space, we need something very compact. The idea was to create...
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