
RoboCup Blogs

Day-by-day, blow-by-blow blogs from the yearly RoboCup International events, including everything from competition information, development updates, and sightseeing travel blogs by the team as they explore new places and cultures.


Final preparations for RoboCup 2024

We are leaving for Eindhoven in two days and it’s been a busy week. We finally named our robot, Blue Panda!! There was a lot of discussion about the name of the robot, but yesterday it was finally decided. Yesterday was also a crazy day, we started to find a lot of problems that we...
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RoboCup Rescue – Rapidly Manufactured Robot Challenge – Symposium

RMRC participants and organisers were invited to speak at the International Convention Centre Sydney for the 23rd annual RoboCup International Symposium. Dr Raymond Sheh (Founder, Committee), Archer Losely (Committee), Connor Kneebone (Participant), Graham Stock (Committee, Mentor), Joseph Lieber (Participant), Sam Hoffmann (Participant) and Patrick Louden (Mentor) talk to educators about the merits of the RMRC...
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RoboCup Canada, Day 8: Hip Hip Hooray!

The competition was over. Well, truthfully, we were a bit bummed out about it. We knew we had a good robot and if it had worked properly, we think would have done really well. We had not made the finals, and the disappointment was evident in the team. We had a well deserved late morning,...
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RoboCup Canada, Day 7: Good Going, Guys n’ Gals

Today we headed to the venue confident that we could scrape in a few points by the end of the competition. That night before, we had spent our time re-crimping and rewiring every motor cable as we were relatively certain that they, as well as the torque issues, were the main contributors to the dying...
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RoboCup Canada, Day 6: Functionality Finally?

Today we got to the venue and immediately got to work. Today we had the bad luck of the last day except somehow worse. Unlike Monday, the runs started earlier in the morning and went until around lunch. Then there were more runs from after lunch until the early evening. Learning from Monday’s mistakes, I...
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RoboCup Canada, Day 5: Errors and Exasperation

Today was our first day of competition. Everything we had worked on for the past six to nine months was leading up to today. We got up early and went down for breakfast, enjoying the local delicacy of pancakes and bacon smothered in maple syrup. We left breakfast with full stomachs and ready minds, keen...
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RoboCup Canada, Day 4: Daunting Dilemmas

Today was the first day we spent at the venue. It was the practice day for all teams where we could all put our robots in the maze and test their functionality. Seeing as we didn’t actually have a functioning robot we mainly spent the time getting all the parts of our robot working.  ...
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RoboCup Canada, Day 3: Captivating City Curiosities

We spent today working on rewiring and testing sensors. We made improvements to the scripts on the robot too. Kyle worked on the motion tracking, he had some luck, we now had a pretty cool but basic tracking script. I ended up doing a little work on the frontend. This year, we opted for a...
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RoboCup Canada, Day 2: Bountiful Buying Bonanza

Today was one of the only days where we could sleep in, so we woke up at around 9:00 am and headed for breakfast, thinking of what we were doing for the day. We had unpacked all our stuff and found out that during transit only one thing had broken, which was lucky. The switch...
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RoboCup Canada, Day 1: Ample Amount of Aviation

Our first day out of school and our first day of travel to Canada. Our trip started at the Canberra airport at 4:45am where all our team and the other robotics team met up for our 6:10am flight to Melbourne. During this short flight we mainly just settled in and caught up on sleep that...
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