
Development Updates

S.A.R.T Development Blog following the iterations and breakthroughs the team makes to all things hardware and software.



Day Twenty One was a very eventful day, and unfortunately we dedicated most of our time to working on the robot rather than working on documentation. The Raspberry Pi, Open CM board and the Open SPMP were all mounted on the robot by Riley, Matthew and Mr Elias. The power supply is currently a series...
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Baud Rate

Ryan took the robot home to work on it over the public holiday. He spent the day working with Oarkit’s script for controlling the servos. He put hours of hard work into finding out the dilemma of why neither our code nor Oarkit’s worked on our robot. He finally figured out that it was the...
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We discovered a more sophisticated robot design on the internet, which gave us inspiration for a better design (to compete in the National Competition).  Riley and Matthew worked together to decide what parts would be made with different materials and their measurements. The camera apparatus that was mounted to the robot broke today, because of...
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We have started designing the breakout board that will direct power from the lithium polymer battery to the Raspberry Pi, the Dynamixel servos, and anything else that needs power. We have cannibalised a USB mini cable, cutting off the standard USB end and exposing the red 5v wire and the black ground wire to power...
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Taking Control

Matthew and Riley printed a few more camera mounts, in case the ones we currently have break. This was an issue we found with the store-bought camera mounts. Aaron is working on connecting a Raspberry Pi to a Linux system. Ryan and I have decided to re-write the two programs required to control the robot,...
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More 3D Printing

Riley downloaded Inventor, and Matthew is going to teach him the basics so he can design and print models, as he wants to experiment with the chassis, modifying it so it has telescopic capabilities and is more flexible and stable. I made a video showing how to set up the daisy-chained Dynamixel servos (posted on...
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The IT Crowd

Riley and Matthew replaced the tape on the 3D printer bed and reapplied glue, then began printing the newly designed camera mounting apparatus that Matthew had made in Inventor.  Printing at 100% infill and with a layer height of 0.05mm, it took take a while but is going to be extremely strong. Ryan installed Python...
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Console Peasants

Ryan and I discussed how the PlayStation controller will be used to control the robot. We mapped most of the buttons and both joysticks to various robot functions, and also created a small program to print strings such as “Moving forward” or “Instant Speed Boost” when the R2 and X buttons are pressed respectively. The...
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Achievement Get: Taking Inventory

Upon arriving at school, we discovered that the gear arm we started printing the previous day had been misplaced.  As a result, we had to start printing it again, then about halfway through the print, we noticed that the end was peeling up (this occasionally happens if you don’t have enough adhesive on the print...
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3D Printing

After some testing with Dynamixel Wizard, I discovered an issue with the claw mount servo. Mounted in the way it was, the arm would not be able to rotate all the way to the front of the robot. To fix this, Riley removed the arm, rotated the servo 90 degrees forward and then reattached it,...
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