
Development Updates

S.A.R.T Development Blog following the iterations and breakthroughs the team makes to all things hardware and software.


Dynamixel Day

Ryan and I connected a single Dynamixel servo to the Dynamixel2USB and the SMPS2Dynamixel, but had trouble connecting more than one. We soon discovered that the IDs of the servos would have to be assigned individually, and searching for the unassigned servos with Dynamixel Wizard would not work. So, we connected each servo individually and...
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Fixing Computer Bugs

I began the overhaul of our team laptop with Aaron and Ryan. We would eventually be using this to program and develop the code necessary for the robot.  We took it apart and cleaned it out because we were concerned about temperatures. We fixed a “bug” by removing a small insect that had somehow found...
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Of Claws, and Not Much Else

We can begin assembly of the claw as soon as we figure out exactly how all the pieces fit together with only two reference pictures (included below).
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Of Wheels, Plastic, and Not Much Else

We didn’t spend long on the robot today, just a few minutes to get the main body finished. Matthew and I have removed the excess plastic from the two front wheels. Matthew attached them to the robot after holes were punched by Riley using a screwdriver.
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Wi-Fix this Problem

Aaron installed the WiFi adapter on the Raspberry Pi, however he has had trouble connecting to it. Aaron and I are in the process of diagnosing the connection, however Aaron will reinstall the drivers if it proves necessary. Ryan continued his 13 hour Python course in the advanced topics section, which included splicing, comprehension list...
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A ‘Wheely’ Good Day!

Aaron has finally got the PiTFT screen to work! After installing a collection of drivers on a fresh version of Raspbian, the screen is fully functional. The touch feature of the screen also works, but will need some calibration. Aaron is now working on setting up the Raspberry Pi as an access point. He was...
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Python Trumps C++

We have decided to switch languages for the second time: We’re leaning back towards Python instead of C++, due to an outdated API that may or may not support the USB2Dynamixel controller and the lack of documentation for Dynamixel with C++. The rest of the Oarkit team are using Python too. Riley and Matthew mounted...
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Robotic Arm(y)

Ryan and I continue to delve into the world of C++. Ryan is scouring the Internet for C++ libraries and documentation for Dynamixel. I have found an API for Dynamixel in C++, however it was last updated in 2008 and may not support the USB2Dynamixel controller. I also worked on creating a C++ header file...
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Learning Foreign Languages

Matthew and Riley are leaving the robot chassis for a bit while they learn Python. So far, they have learned about variables and operators, along with printing contents to the console. Ryan and I, however, are now working in C++, a more powerful but also more complex language that should work with all the systems...
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It Begins

Ryan and I continued to learn Python. We downloaded Python 3.4.3 for Windows, along with a Python IDE by the name of LiClipse. Meanwhile, Aaron began setting up the PiTFT monitor and PiCamera. There seems to be an issue with the monitor, however. He is currently in the process of installing a new version of...
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