

Make It Yours: Configuring SIGHTS Part 2 (Advanced Configuration)

In “Make It Yours: Configuring SIGHTS Part 1” I showed you how to configure a basic SIGHTS-based robot. In this, the second part, I’ll go over the more complex configuration of Interface and Sensors. The Simple Bits Ok, I lied. There are a couple more basic bits, but I left them out of the previous...
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Make It Yours: Configuring SIGHTS Part 1 (Basic Configuration)

The recently released SIGHTS (SART Integrated GUI and Host Teleoperation Service) software suite is designed to work with virtually any RMRC robot setup. However, with all that potential for customisation comes a lot of configuration. It can be daunting. Fortunately, my goal in this series of blogs is to de-mystify the extensive configuration file and...
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SIGHTS Set On The Future

Here at S.A.R.T. we are proud to announce the release… of SIGHTS. No, it’s not a network of spy satellites. We aggressively forced the name for that sweet secret service-style acronym. It stands for “SART Integrated GUI and Host Teleoperation Service”, and that’s just what it is: A complete teleoperation interface written by the Semi-Autonomous Rescue...
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Using the UDOO x86’s Arduino with Arduino-CLI

In a previous blog post, I wrote about using the official Arduino IDE with the on-board Arduino 101 on the UDOO x86 Ultra. Since our robot is headless, i.e. doesn’t run a display server, we wanted the IDE to run from the command line. While the IDE had support for using its functionality from the...
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Serious Simultaneous Sensor Struggles

A mere week before our trip to Canada we had a major malfunction of our robot’s components. Our previously wired sensors had an issue where the wires connected to the contacts on the sensor would break, rendering the sensor useless or dangerous if the wires happened to touch. To overcome this problem, we decided to...
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