After installing the web server and putting the S.A.R.T control interface on it, Jack found out that the system information status on the interface doesn’t work with PHP 7. While Jack could probably get it working with PHP 7, he didn’t want to change anything that could cause errors with other parts of the interface. As we said in past blogs, Ubuntu 16.04 only supports PHP 7. Jack made the control panel work with PHP 5 and due to the fact that this isn’t supported on Ubuntu 16.04 this caused some issues.


How do we fix this you may ask? Well, install a version of ubuntu that supports it. As the S.A.R.T command interface laptop used Ubuntu 14.04 we knew this supported PHP 5, so without thinking twice Aaron downloaded Ubuntu 14.04 and installed it onto the NUC.

As end of year exams are coming up / here, we won’t be able to do much more work on the robot, once they are over we will be able to!

About the author

Website and Systems Administrator

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