
S.A.R.T Original

All these posts have been written by the original S.A.R.T Team.

Riley Cockerill, Ryan Ewyk, Aaron Maggs, Jack Williams and Matthew Williams



Most of the team worked on their portfolios, a presentation that provides evidence of competence in various areas of basic computing. After finishing my portfolio, I wrote the logs for days 21 through to 28.
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Road to Recovery

With the robot all but dead and without the necessary materials to fix it, the team occupied their time with other more menial tasks. For example, we sorted the collection of boxes in which we store our various technological items, which should allow loose items to be found quicker, as long as we are all...
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Too Amped Up!

Matthew worked on connecting the Ubuntu laptop to the school network, however he is having trouble connecting it to the Internet. Our connection seems to have been blocked by the school. While this unfolded, I fixed an overload error on the arm servo (servo 5) by removing a torque limit. Instead, we will try to...
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Aaron made huge breakthroughs with streaming video from the Raspberry Pi to a computer. While he had successfully used VLC to stream to Windows devices, our Ubuntu laptop was not giving the Pi an IP. Today was the day that the laptop gave the IP to the Pi. Now that the Pi has an IP,...
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Basic Construction

Matthew and Riley drilled the holes in the standoff/support for the Raspberry Pi screen, while Ryan and I started working on getting the claw and arm servos working, now that the robot has full range of movement.
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What If?

Ryan and I continued to work on the Python script on the Raspberry Pi, fixing a few issues with the code. We now have a robot that can go backwards, whereas before we had a series of statements that would never get triggered: if else if For most of the hour, the entire team worked...
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Day Twenty One was a very eventful day, and unfortunately we dedicated most of our time to working on the robot rather than working on documentation. The Raspberry Pi, Open CM board and the Open SPMP were all mounted on the robot by Riley, Matthew and Mr Elias. The power supply is currently a series...
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Baud Rate

Ryan took the robot home to work on it over the public holiday. He spent the day working with Oarkit’s script for controlling the servos. He put hours of hard work into finding out the dilemma of why neither our code nor Oarkit’s worked on our robot. He finally figured out that it was the...
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We discovered a more sophisticated robot design on the internet, which gave us inspiration for a better design (to compete in the National Competition).  Riley and Matthew worked together to decide what parts would be made with different materials and their measurements. The camera apparatus that was mounted to the robot broke today, because of...
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We have started designing the breakout board that will direct power from the lithium polymer battery to the Raspberry Pi, the Dynamixel servos, and anything else that needs power. We have cannibalised a USB mini cable, cutting off the standard USB end and exposing the red 5v wire and the black ground wire to power...
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