
Development Updates

S.A.R.T Development Blog following the iterations and breakthroughs the team makes to all things hardware and software.


Our first day in Thailand ! (not really 😢) – Bender’s arch nemesis cancels Thailand trip 😫

Hi everyone!!!!! song recommendation of the day: Nutcracker – Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Today is set-up day! We are in Thailand as we speak 😃 (just kidding) Bender’s arch nemesis FLEXO has made its debut in the SART location (in Australia😥). Due to unfortunate events with the ever present pandemic, an executive decision was made that...
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UBECcer Watch Out

Over the past few days we’ve made some exciting locomotion advancements. Connor created Sights motor wrapper plugins for RoboClaw and Roboteq motor controllers, Alex authored a new servo controller for the arm, and Jack jerry-rigged a system to run multiple motor wrappers at once. The following video highlights the fruits of our labours. After this...
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Target Translation

On Tuesday evening we had our first test of the new S.A.R.T. Series M robot with all systems functioning at the same time. During our tests we noticed some of the arm positions caused unnecessary strain on the servos, so we tightened the maximum servo ranges to prevent damage. This meant that some of the...
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Using Hardware Acceleration in VNC

‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.’ I’d like to slightly modify that statement to ‘Any solution to a technology problem that works for an inexplicable reason is indistinguishable from magic’. Here’s why: The S.A.R.T. recently acquired a pair of stereoscopic cameras for use in creating a 3D model of the environment, complete with...
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Extracting a floor plan from a ZED Mini model using Blender

One of the requirements for the Major competition is to generate a top-down floor plan of the room in which the test takes place. Ideally, this would happen automatically, however until we get that working we can use the exported 3D model created by the ZED Mini and a bit of post-processing in Blender to...
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Unbending Bender

Today I worked mostly on testing and familiarizing myself with our development robot, which we as a team named ‘Bender’. To begin the day, I began driving Bender through our various practice courses whilst only navigating using the cameras. I then proceeded to navigate through looking directly at the robot with my own eyes. This...
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Moving 4ward

Big success today as part of our community outreach program “S.A.R.T. Junior”, we got 4 motors working at once with a H bridge and a Raspberry Pi. This simplified system was created to assist with new teams entering the rapidly manufactured rescue challenge (RMRC), which will be fully documented and published when it is ready.
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Nvidia Jetson Nano with Intel Wireless AC PCIe WiFi

Here’s how we got our Jetson Nano working reliably with an Intel Wireless AC 3165 PCIe WiFi card. This post outlines the steps someone else used to solve this issue on the Nvidia developer forums, but the solution was spread over multiple posts whereas this one puts all those steps in one place.  Depending on...
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For years, power has always been something we have constantly been seeking to improve. Most robots and other remote/portable applications utilise LiPo batteries. While flexible and providing lots of power in a small package, LiPo batteries do have a lot of concerning characteristics. In particular, they are quite prone to overheating and catching fire, as...
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Feb forward – powered by Dell Technologies

Moving away from the challenging year that 2020 was for us all, S.A.R.T. was very fortunate to get the opportunity to partner with Dell Technologies to power our efforts moving into 2021. As a part of our partnership, Dell have generously provided us with a number of Dell products to help enhance our robot system....
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