After the Great Permissions Blunder of 2017, the robot was shut down over the weekend. Initially I thought this could cause issues as processes would not be able to access certain files when they started.

Surprisingly, there were absolutely no issues on boot. A quick test told us that the video stream and S.A.R.T Interface were still fully functional, with the exception of the raw data logs, which were barely functional anyway. I think all I need to do to fix them (I use the word “fix” lightly) is add some permissions to the /var/logs folder. I’ll have to look into that.

Anyway, the exciting news is that all these permission issues seem to have somehow given MonstaFTP access to the entire file system – which was what I was trying to do when I created this mess. The integrated S.A.R.T Interface FTP panel is now fully functional.


This means we now have full basic control over the robot through the SSH console, FTP panel and the system information panel without having to connect a keyboard, mouse and monitor.

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