Ryan and I continue to delve into the world of C++. Ryan is scouring the Internet for C++ libraries and documentation for Dynamixel. I have found an API for Dynamixel in C++, however it was last updated in 2008 and may not support the USB2Dynamixel controller. I also worked on creating a C++ header file for a prime number calculator, using C++ to read and write to text files.

Aaron continued his struggle with the PiTFT monitor, which refuses to work. He’s reinstalled Raspbian multiple times, as well as swapped out the Raspberry Pi for a model B and another B+, which did not work. He’s also tested the Raspberry Pis with another PiTFT monitor.

Matthew and Riley, on the other hand, had considerable success while building the robot. They have now completed the construction of the robotic arm.


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