
February 2017

Important (Important) Information. Important Indeed.

3 days ago, Aaron set up a fantastic little WordPress plugin that will send an email to every member of the team whenever a new blog post is created. This way, hopefully everyone can stay up-to-date on new developments that occur while they are “out of the office” so to speak, which I think is...
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Competing Meeting

On Wednesday the 15th, the team met at the school at 5pm to discuss the itinerary and travel plans for Japan. At the current time, it looks like everyone will be attending, which is excellent news! Now that everything’s “official”, hopefully we’ll start working on the new robot. So far, it looks like we’re ahead...
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Energy Issues

Powering the Robot The new Lithium Polymer batteries that we bought arrived a few days ago, so I started thinking about how we would power the NUC for any extended period of time. After some quick research on the internet, I found that at absolute worst case scenario the NUC draws around 2.5 amps.  We were...
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Default Gateway

As I am running Windows Server 2012 R2 I can use this to my full advantage, as the S.A.R.T robot hosts everything, including the troubleshooting guide to fix an issue if one were to appear, I thought to myself I should make a page that is hosted off the S.A.R.T Control laptop as a “backup”...
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Drive System Design

Aaron, Riley and I were discussing an improved drive system over Skype when I quickly created this graphic. Our 4 wheel drive system worked exceptionally well at RoboCup in Germany, and we were thus hesitant to make any drastic changes. We’ve been discussing the issue on and off for a number of months, and we’ve...
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The Briefest Of Cases

Hi All, Along with the new robot, we are looking into a new command centre. The command centre is, in essence, going to be all the controls of the robot (joystick[hopefully], WiFi access point, screen for cameras and what have you) crammed into a cool looking briefcase that will require a background explosion and epic music...
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Addressing The IP Address

After Jack and I did our “Network stress test” we were starting to get tired of changing our wi-fi to a static IP address. The reason being, in order to use our school network we had to change our network settings again so we could get an IP from our school server. After thinking about...
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Stress Test Streaming

Day Eighty-Five was a productive day. At least, if you count paperwork as productive. Aaron and I worked on the To-Do List of Things To Do, which included Aaron moving the entire existing list to a google document. Hopefully, now everyone will be on the same page concerning things that need to be done, although...
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So we went to the S.A.R.T Workstation with the intention of setting up FTP transfer for the S.A.R.T Interface. We believe a web FTP client built into the interface would significantly increase the utility of the console and bring us closer to our goal of using the interface to control all robot functions – simply put,...
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